Do You Know Where Your Sewer Clean Out is Located?

Do you know where your sewer clean-out is located?  Do you know if you even have one?  Knowing the location and the presence of your sewer clean-out is extremely important to the well-being of your home and your family in the case of a plumbing emergency.  When you suspect a mainline sewer stoppage or sewer drain clog, the easiest place to verify this, and an easy point of access to help clear the clog, is through a sewer clean-out pipe.

Sewer clean-out pipes are normally located on the exterior of a home, although in some cases they may be found inside.  Generally, they are located along the lateral sewer line, which is the line that connects your home plumbing to the municipal sewer system, and often there is more than just one located on a property.  A sewer clean-out pipe is about a 3-4 inch pipe protruding from the ground and has a visible cap.  Often these pipes are overgrown by landscaping or built over through renovations, so you might have to search very carefully for them.

Once you find your sewer cleanout, it is a good idea to make note of its location and inform any property renters or residents of its location as well in case of an emergency.  You can then remove the cap, either by unscrewing it or popping it off. If you notice any water in the pipe, flowing, overflowing, or standing, you know you have a problem.  The best part about a sewer cleanout though, is that they give you easy access to clear the problem, if it is a clog, with the use of a drain snake or auger.  Plumbers can also get a closer look at your lateral drain pipes through these sewer clean-outs, through the use of a sewer line camera.  This will help you find out where exactly the clog is located and what it is caused by.

What if your home does not have a sewer clean-out?  No need to panic!  Sewer cleanouts can easily be installed by a professional plumber.  They are a simple fix that could eventually save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in costly repairs and restoration of your home.  This is often needed after a mainline sewer stoppage causes severe back-ups and water damage, but can easily be prevented or minimized.  So don’t let it be you!  Find out where your sewer clean-out is located (if you can’t locate it, we are always here to help!) or have one installed as soon as possible!  It’s a must!