5 Hot Summer Water Saving Tips for Your Home, Pool and Lawn!


Are you tired of seeing your water bill skyrocket during the hot summer months and paying way more than what you’re used to? Well here are some easy hot summer water-saving tips that will help lower your water bill and keep money in your pocket all summer long!

1.      Install a Low-Flow Showerhead

Did you know that taking a 15minute shower results in 60 gallons of water used? That’s because most shower heads produce about 4 gallons of water per minute! On the other hand, low-flow showerheads only produce about 2 gallons per minute.

Your Water Savings: 50% water saved per shower


2.      The Pool Test

Preparing your pool for the hot summer months should include a leak test to ensure valuable water isn’t continuously leaking throughout the day.  To perform this test all you need to do is mark your water level with a grease pencil on the side of the pool and check your mark after 24hrs.  If your water level has dropped after no pool use then you have a leak!

Your Water Savings: A leak the size of a pinhead can waste 360,000 gallons per year


3.      Install Pool Covers

Most people don’t realize how much money you can save by simply covering your pool during the summer months. Covering your pool will not only help keep it warm but also keep water from evaporating under the hot sun.

Your Water Savings: Varies depending on the size of the pool and the amount of sun exposure.


4.      Water With a Hose Not Your Sprinkler System

Although it takes a bit more effort, watering with your hose instead of your sprinkler system ensures that water isn’t running off onto your pathway or evaporating into the air.

Your Water Savings: Approximately 12,500 gallons of water saved per year.


5.      Lower the Setting on Your Dishwasher

If you think about it, most dirty dishes don’t require much effort to clean. Unless they’ve been sitting in your kitchen sink for several days.  Even rinsing prior to washing isn’t really necessary.  So stop rinsing your dishes before placing them in your dishwasher and lower your dishwasher setting to the light wash setting instead.

Your Water Savings: Approximately 2,860 gallons of water saved per year.

3 Easy Ways To Water Smarter

3 easy ways to water smarter


Outside water usage accounts for nearly 40% of an average household’s total water bill!  With spring in full gear and summer quickly approaching, the lack of rainfall makes it necessary for us to pull out the gardening hose and put the timer back on the sprinkler system, but are we wasting water while doing this?  The answer is probably yes!

Help make a difference and make a change towards conservation by following these 3 EASY WAYS TO WATER SMARTER:

1. Make sure to only water your lawn in the morning or evening hours when temperatures are cooler and the wind is still.  Watering during peak hours or windy times causes water to evaporate or blow away before it reaches the plant’s roots.

2. Try the Screwdriver Test – After watering your lawn, take an 8-inch screwdriver and drive it into the ground.  If it easily slips down about 6 inches, your lawn is absorbing the water well.  If not, make sure to aerate your lawn (at least once a year) so the water can be absorbed by the roots and not be wasted by running off the surface.

3. Use wastewater from around the house, such as fallen ice cubes, dirty pet water, half drank water bottles, and even captured rainwater to help water your lawn and plants before reaching for the hose.

By following these 3 easy steps you can easily help conserve an upward of 125 gallons of water per week or more!  That’s at least 6,240 gallons per year!  So help join the conservation movement and WATER SMARTER!