Prevent Leaks and Enjoy a Healthy and Sustainable Plumbing System With These Tips

Plumbing Maintenance


Every homeowner wants to cut costs, keep their home looking great and working well, as well as protecting their home investment. Hands down, the best way to accomplish all of these is to do preventative maintenance.

One excellent, highly effective place to start is with your plumbing. Here are some helpful tips to get you on the road towards healthy, sustainable and efficient plumbing for your El Monte, CA home.

Check out the Water Pressure

Low Water PressureYou love having good water spray when you are under the shower, but think about what that force is doing inside your pipes.

The speed and strength of your water flow can seriously damage your pipes and cause plumbing leaks.

If it is too strong the water will strip down the insides of the pipe, which will cause decay. Check your pressure. Make sure that it reads between 40 and 45 psi.

Find Where the Leaks Are

Identify a LeakIt’s common for homeowners to experience leaks at some point, but the key is to locate them before they turn into a bigger problem.

Do a visual inspection of all of your plumbing fixtures, walls, and floors for pooling water or moisture. Don’t forget to look outside too for leaks in your sewer main, irrigation system, garage hose bibs or water fountains.

Non-visual signs that you have a leak include an increase in your water bills, sunken patches on your lawn, musty odors and the sound of water rushing behind the walls.

Clean Your Drains Properly

Chemical Clog RemoverWhen you encounter a clog, don’t reach for the commercial clog remover to take it out. It may work well at the moment, but the long-term impact on your pipes isn’t good.

The chemicals in the cleaner bind to the pipes and drains, causing decay and leaks. Not only are the drain cleaners bad for your pipes, but they are also bad for the environment and your family because they are toxic.

Your best bet is to avoid clogs before they even form by scheduling a professional drain cleaning every year.

Stop Corroding Pipes

Pipe CorrosionOne of the biggest reasons that your pipes will fail is because of the rust that accumulates in and on them.

Copper is a good material for pipes, but it corrodes far quicker than PVC. Ideally, you should replace your pipes if you’ve got copper.

But if you don’t want to do something so drastic, put in a water softener to help keep the water in balance.

There are lots of ways to save more money with smart plumbing choices. Just ask us!